Friday, February 7, 2020

Discover How Students Can Benefit From An Education In Fractions And Formulas At The College Level

Discover How Students Can Benefit From An Education In Fractions And Formulas At The College LevelThe Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have put together a partnership to help students pursue a degree in Fractions and Formulas, or FR, at the undergraduate level. What can FR teach students?During the course of their undergraduate education, many graduates of graduate school enter teaching in elementary schools or day care centers. The DOE and NSF award nearly two thousand doctoral degrees each year to those who offer courses in FR, and even more are taught by career teachers in non-profit day cares, kindergarten through graduate school.FR coursework focuses on solving real-world problems through the integration of science and math. Students will learn about integrating data with algorithms to solve problems. Specific courses include problem solving using statistics, plots, shapes, and motion, geometry, and thermodynamics.Like most forms of chemistry, FR is a discipline that is constantly changing. New chemical elements are added all the time, and researchers are doing research in dozens of fields of study. Scientific research in FR takes place at laboratories around the world and even right here at home, and the National Science Foundation administers grants to enable students to fund their FR education.Some aspects of FR are so advanced that they can be applied to industry, which means that many companies use specific procedures and formulas in research. The applications are everywhere, ranging from body fluid analysis to solid film formation to microfluidics to information visualization.FR is an ideal way for students to learn about some of the concepts that are so closely related to industry. For example, the process of processing fuels and oils, which are so necessary to the operation of everyday life, takes place through four distinct stages of formulation. In fact, the production process for gasoline is so complex that it s exact formulation is difficult to predict and quantitatively determined.To continue their education, students need to have a FR-approved bachelor's degree in chemistry to take a rigorous course load, including laboratory classes, internship training, and supervised research experience. The DOE's website provides contact information for graduate programs in FR chemistry.

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